Obuda University generated significant interest at this year’s 25th Educatio Exhibition with its central booth and a wide range of programs. Thousands of visitors completed the university’s higher education questionnaires and actively participated in various activities offered by its faculties. Prospective students were primarily interested in academic programs, practice-oriented education, scholarships, and dormitory opportunities. The Obuda University booth also featured interactive demonstrations, including e-sports games, holograms, and alternative-powered race cars.

The Antal Bejczy Centre for Intellignet Robotics also attracted considerable attention at the exhibition, showcasing two of its robots – the CruzR social robot and the Unitree GO2 quadruped robot. The latter, in particular, was extremely popular, with many visitors eager to interact with it and inquire about its operation. The demonstration aimed to bring robotics technology closer to young visitors and highlight IROB’s research and development activities.

On Thursday, during the Educatio event, Prof. Dr. Péter Galambos, Vice-Rector for Innovation at Obuda University and Director of BARK, delivered a presentation at the Educatio+ conference. In his talk, he showcased the university’s innovation ecosystem, which strongly supports research, development, and innovation projects, with a special focus on corporate collaborations. The audience gained insight into the university’s innovation-driven operations and explored several exciting research projects. The presentation was enriched with engaging videos and behind-the-scenes insights, providing a glimpse into how university-industry collaborations come to life in practice.